Advantages of Responsive Web Designs


The adoption of smartphones and tablets has increased a lot in recent times and so have mobile-friendly websites. The underlying message in this statement is that an abundant number of people prefer to browse the net from their mobile and/or Android devices. Hence, websites must also be designed and developed in such a way that people have the same user experience as they do when they browse the web. That is, mobile responsiveness in website designs must be given high priority while designing websites. Advantages of this include-

Better Mobile Traffic:  The vast use of smartphones along with the adoption of 4G network and perhaps 5G network in the near future has increased mobile traffic to websites by large counts.  In fact, professional agencies in India have reported that mobile phones contribute about 80% of all web traffic in the country. Hence, these are more indicators of the importance of websites being mobile responsive.

Lesser Costs:  This is evident. It has already been ascertained that a lot of traffic comes to a website from mobiles. But creating a mobile website exclusively for this purpose is a waste of funds and resources. Multiple strategies and more maintenance will also be needed for this. Responsive design’s “one size fits all” approach makes it easier for developers, business owners and consumers.

Faster Webpages: The duration of each visitor to a website is an important calculation of its success.  He/the visitor must be convinced to comprehensively browse the website as there are chances that this visit could be converted into a lead. It would be pointless to have a website If a web visitor leaves the site as soon as he or she visits the link. Moreover, mobile users are always in a hurry. A website needs to be optimized for smartphones and tablets to generate faster web [ages and better browsing experiences.

Higher Conversion Rates: Combine the previous three points; that is highly mobile traffic, lesser costs, and faster web pages. What do you get then? More satisfied web visitors and higher conversion rates. How? The percentage of clients opting for a product or service offered by a company is much higher when they are browsing from their mobile devices. They make quick decisions when compared with users of desktop-based websites who take a long time comparing your website with that of competitors. This once again highlights the necessity of a mobile responsive website.

So, is your website mobile responsive? Or are you now interested to develop a new website that is responsive to mobile devices? Majestic People Infotech is an experienced web designing and mobile application development company that had delivered tons of responsive websites to several clients across India as well as the rest of the world. Reach out to us or pass us your contact details and we will get to you with a proper solution for your business.

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