Web App Development Trends 2020


Technology has advanced at a remarkable rate in the past couple of years with the widespread of Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Yet web development, including the practices of web application development along with web designing remain very popular in various economies. This will continue in 2020; but will have impacts of other technologies, factors of demand and user experience. Majestic People Infotech (MPI) has prepared a list of top web app development trends for 2020 in this blog. We are an experienced web application development company located in Coimbatore, India with over 16 years of experience. Companies in India as well as in other parts of the world such as the Middle East, Eastern Europe, East Asia, Africa, South America and more are welcome to peek at what we have found.


1.Automated Online Support: A single term for this is “Chatbots”. These are programmed applications that respond to visitors of a website and users of a web application. Chatbots can be defined more easily with this illustrated scenario. “Live chat for websites and web applications is common these days. But they are operated manually by the staff of a company only during working hours. Visitors hence cannot be given 24/7 support. Enter Chatbots! These automated applications can be programmed with pre-defined greetings and responses to the most popular queries. An example for greetings include, “Hi, How can I help you?” Chatbots will be given special identities that resemble humans; can be an illustrated person as well. Automated responses to queries on a company’s products or services can be, “Thank you for asking. You can find details here…” followed by a URL link on the web app where information exists. This is a simple way of engaging customers and converting visitors to leads.

2.Progressive Web Applications: In simple words, this is a web application that works on any browser, responsive to any platform and always remains updated with modern web application trends. Progressive web applications can also work seamlessly on low quality networks and in areas that have limited access to the internet. This could be very useful for businesses to reach remote areas, besides being accessible during times of natural calamities such as floods and earthquakes. Visitors and users of the app can also be kept engaged through features that include push notifications. In addition to these, progressive web applications are delivered through HTTPS thus ensuring maximum security to all content.

3.Pop-Up Messages: This is different from Live Chat functions or chatbots. Such messages may provide immediate lead conversions. Examples include fill-in forms which collect contact details of visitors and also pop-us which enable instant download of brochures. Visitors and prospective clients can be kept engaged in this manner and also their time spent on your web application can be increased. There will be fewer bounce rates. Moreover, no extra software needs to be developed for this purpose. MPI believes that this will be a popular trend in 2020.

4.Voice-Searches: Site-search capabilities are gaining popularity these days. The year 2020 is going to witness an improvisation of this feature with the introduction of voice searches in Indian and other Asian markets. It will similar be to what search engine giant Google has implemented, but this time enabling visitors to easily find required information on your website. Artificial Intelligence has to be integrated in a web application for this purpose along with recognition of major languages in the world. Users of a web application can then find whatever they want by just speaking into the mike in their native tongues! There sure are web applications with this feature. But the count will increase by huge margins in 2020.

5.Cyber Security: There have been several reported cases globally of data breaches, cyber threats, website manipulation, and data theft. Hence, though it has been mentioned last; cyber security will be one of the most prominent features in web application development for 2020. More businesses and enterprises will approach IT security companies in India to develop data protection systems to combat hacking, along with harm to equipment, software or electronic data.

In conclusion, these were just some of primary predictions for web app development trends in the coming year. The IoT (Internet of Things) will also play a major role. MPI has experience in developing modern web applications for giant clients in India as well as in the United States. Reach out to us to develop high-quality web applications for your business.

The Myth Of Web Application Development


The world is currently dominated by the IT sector. Period! There cannot be any argument regarding that. Websites and web applications rule the entire economy. Business, trade, communication and even news are transmitted to the public, through these. To top it, the IT revolution isn’t limited to the western world. India in fact, is now a primary destination for web application development outsourcing. Continue reading →